Come Be in My Video!


I wrote a poem called "The Future Loves You Already" (below). My vision is to create a video with the piece being read out loud by a broad and gorgeous swath of humanity, embodying what these words are all about.



I would love for YOU, yes you, to be part of this project! This is an open call to submit a video of yourself reading the piece. My hope is to have as many faces and voices as possible; every kind of human is wildly welcome to submit a recording. Feel free to share this invitation.



The Future Loves You Already

The future is queer. The future is poetry. The future is every shade of brown. The future is indigenous. The future is reclamation. The future is accountable. The future is joyful. The future is honest. The future is ancient. The future is unimaginable. The future is breathing its first breath and crying its first cry. The future is a midwife, a birthing body, a moment to grieve, a bowl of food, a shelter of belonging. The future strips the wallpaper and reveals the raw beauty of what never needed to be improved upon. The future is a forest grown from ash and an ocean free of trash. The future speaks truth to power until power is no longer a weapon but a sacred tool to wield with care. The future throws its head back in laughter. The future takes up so much room we can't help but expand in her presence. The future eats fascists for breakfast. The future isn't waiting for you to be ready. The future loves you already. The future honks in the driveway. Get in. Let's go.

© 2021 Jena Schwartz. All rights reserved.


This project is intentionally one of real people reading this poem in their real-life environments. In other words, it does not have to be perfect or professional!

That being said, please do your best to follow these guidelines for reading the poem.

Upload your video to Dropbox using this link by March 31, 2021.

Email if you have any questions or technical difficulties.

Thank you in advance for your participation! Note that submitting a recording does not guarantee inclusion in the final video.