I Am Committed to... {a writing exercise}


I am committed to…

...doing things that feel inspired, with ease.

...mutual sovereignty and responsibility.

...recognizing which voices and faces are missing from my life and addressing why that is.

...letting less be more.

...depth and focus, even if it means fewer irons in the fire.

...giving my full attention to the person who is speaking.

...being honest and forthcoming, especially when it's uncomfortable or scary.

...offering myself compassion about the things that don't come naturally.

...celebrating the wins, mine and yours and ours, no matter their size, shape, scale, or scope.

...remembering how much I don't know.

...loving my people. And my person.

...appreciating the amazing things my body does for me everyday.

...learning from my mistakes and discovering new ways of relating.





...being here, for as long as you'll have me.

Making lists like these can be a good way to get unstuck if you're having trouble writing.

  1. Start with just a brain dump, which is what I've done above.

  2. Try not to think too much about it or edit as you go.

  3. Choose ONE thing from your list, set a timer for 10 minutes.

  4. Keep writing without stopping.