Hello, Solstice

Hello, Solstice. So glad you're here.
Hello, cold air that comes as a relief.
Hello, sparrow song, morning constant.
Hello, moments before anyone else is up.
Hello, strong coffee, those best first sips.
Hello, Capricorn season. It's good to be home.
Hello, good humans trying to keep your spirits up.

Hello, dreams about bright planets and moons and voices carrying from a field below, distress & wonder all jumbled.

Hello, last 10 days of the year with the desire to do nothing but burrow and eat cookies in a fortress of unread books.

Hello, gratitude without bells and whistles.
Hello, a moment to sit with all of this.
Hello, reminder that you're enough.
Hello, all that you've lost and miss.
Hello, gifts that come unbidden.
Hello, permission to do less.
Hello, stillness.
Hello, you.