A Wave of Vulnerability

A Wave of Vulnerability | Jena Schwartz Blog

And then, a wave of vulnerability washed over her and she knew it was time to call it a day.

And then, she sat down on the floor with her dog.

And then, she ate cookies and thought of her friends who were struggling or grieving.

And then, she wondered why is it so hard to do the things that are good for us that we know will make us feel better?

And then, she remembered something the rabbi had said to her when they met: "I'm not here to help you figure out why you're not confident. I'm here to give you the confidence."

And how that alone reminded her that she knew more than she was giving herself credit for.

And then, she saw all the ways people short-change themselves and how when we take a break from that, we are collectively unfuckingstoppable.

And then, she felt better.